About us

EnviroComp, Inc. was founded in 2001. Our primary expertise is in the proficient use of computational methods in environmental sciences. In particular, we are recognized among the top experts in air pollution modeling. In fact, many of our investigations deal with atmospheric sciences and the computer simulation of transport and fate of pollutants in the atmosphere.


Our staff and associates include experts in ambient air pollution, indoor air pollution, computer modeling, agricultural pesticide application, meteorology, industrial & chemical engineering, combustion engineering, hydrogeology, data analysis & statistics, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Other environmental experts (e.g., water, groundwater, and soil specialists) are part of our professional network and available when needed.

We have also established partnerships with other consulting groups that provide additional, unique skills for some of our more complex projects. Our network of associates and partners allows us to handle successfully large environmental cases in a cost-effective manner.

Testimonials are presented here.


The company is fully committed to the highest ethical standards of scientific and professional integrity - these standards are enforced through a rigorous internal and external peer-review of assumptions, calculations, opinions, and results.