Hadek Protective Systems retained the services of EnviroComp, Inc. for this case. We were asked to review relevant documents and reports, and understand the scientific aspects of this project, and model the impacts of different emission scenarios for the Maritsa East 2 Power Station, Units 5 & 6 in Southeast Bulgaria.
In conjunction with the intended retrofit of a wet FGD system for Units 5 & 6, a new 135-m-high chimney had been proposed and, alternatively, continued use of the existing 325-m-high chimney could be considered. We compared these two chimney options from the viewpoint of flue gas dispersion and regional SO2 ground level concentrations.
For these calculations, we selected the AERMOD Modeling System, which is one of the "preferred" models recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency for industrial emissions. We also collected meteorological data from local airports that run AERMOD.
Our main results for the 325-m-high source are shown in Figure 1, while Figure 2 shows results for the 135-m-high source.